How To Build An Underground 

Hobbit House

That You Can Live In, That Will
Last 100's Of Years
Getting the most out of your Hobbit House

Someone asked me how do you use the Hobbit House, which I thought was a good question, so I will give you my experiences so far.

1. Great to have romantic dinner and sleep over with my wife, of course includes breakfast in the am.

2. Escape from everyone and loose yourself in reading a book or listening to music.

3. Take a nap on Saturday afternoon.

4. Have a couple over for an intimate dinner

5. Summer solstice party at night

6. Quiet meditation.

7. Sleep over while wife is out of town

8. Use the bathroom while hanging out at the pond

9. Cocktail party before dinner

10. Halloween surprise for kids

11. Housing for inlaws

12. Overflow bed room

.... More to come

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